Inside the IPDA035, there is a built-in installation of the scanning app, Scan tools
Scan settings, scan tests, adjustment of output, encoding operations, etc.
Q1: How to convert the barcode output method, such as converting UPC-E to UPC-A or EAN-8 to EAN-13 barcode?
A1: Please set up in the Scanner app
Go to Scanner App
Touch Settings> Barcode Settings > Advanced Configuration > UPC-A(uses the UPC-A as an example)
Touch UPC-E convert UPC-A
Figure 2- 10 Convert barcode
Q2: Why is there no sound after a successful scan, I have turned on the sound?
A2: Please ensure that the Scan app and system sound are both on
Figure 2- 11 Scan completion reminder
Q3: How to remove a character by default when there is an extra # after each scan?
A3: Please set up in the Scanner app
Go toScanner App
Touch Settings> Filter char
Enter Filter Content #
Touch OK
Figure 2- 12 Clear redundant scanning
Q4: How about adding carriage return or line feed characters after a successful scan?
A4:Carriage return settings are performed via the Scanner app.
Go toScanner App
Touch Settings> Output Mode > Keyboard Mode
TouchAdditional Content > Enter Key
Note: Once set up, the test can be performed in the Content box
Figure 2- 13 Add a Enter key after a successful scan
Q5: When my scan is successful, the output is missing numbers (characters)
A5: Please turn on the system bit and the transfer bit(The text uses the opening of UPC-A as an example)
Go toScanner App
Touch Settings> UPC-A> open Send check digit and SysChar+Data
Once completed, you can test in the App Content test box
Figure 2- 14 Scan all characters
Q6: Why is there no data output in app after a successful scan?
A6: Please adjust the output method to keyboard analogue in the Scanner app
Go to Scanner App
Touch Settings> Output Mode > Keyboard Mode
Touch OK
Go back to the app that needs to be scanned and click on the input dialog box first before scanning
Figure 2- 15 Select keyboard output mod
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