Address labels are incredibly useful when you're sending out holiday cards or monthly packages. If you're a social butterfly, wouldn't it be great to be able to print address labels for your Christmas cards? Whether you are sending cards or packages around the holidays, you can use the tools in Word to create professional address labels. This post is a collection of guidelines that should help you get your desired result. Hopefully, this will save you time (and money) in the future.
Step #1 Select the corresponding paper size of your labels
✅Create a new Word document.
✅Press Ctrl+P.
✅Select Custom Page Size of your label. (If your labels are 2.25''x1.25", then select 2.25" x1.25"(57mm x 32mm), If your labels are 2-inch labels, select 2" x2" (51mm x 51mm).
✅Click Page Setup
Set your margins. (It is recommended that all margins be set at 0.5cm. Of course, you can modify it according to your needs.), Orientation choose Landscape
✅Select OK to save the settings, or you can select Set As Default to save as the default settings.
If the unit of margins is inches, you can change it as follows
✅Go to File > Options > Advanced.
✅Scroll down to Display.
✅Select your desired measurement unit from the list.
✅Select OK.
Step #2 Enter print content
✅Back to the Home page and enter the content you want to print (e.g., address information).
The font used for the example is Times New Roman, and the font size is 12. If you are using round or square labels, it is recommended that you choose a centered font alignment.
Step #3 Print preview and printing
✅Press Ctrl+P to check size and print preview.
✅Click Print or press Enter.
Were you able to learn how to print address labels in Word? It's a simple process, and anyone can do it. Look no further if you're still struggling to find the perfect address label. MUNBYN is a fantastic place to find address labels in 4 colors of the rainbow and get them for less than what you would pay on another site. You can select and print your personalized address labels.
Simplify your packaging process with shipping supplies. Label holders make it easy to identify and switch out labels without removing them from their protective backing. A postal scale ensures accurate and consistent measurements for postage, saving you time and money. And honeycomb paper provides cushioning and protection for fragile items during shipping. These small investments can make a big difference in upgrading your packaging game!
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